
See ya, wouldn't want to be ya

I am waiting for some financial adviser-type to turn up and try to sell me stuff. This is the fourth time some financial adviser-type has contacted me about trying to sell me stuff. Since I moved to Hong Kong, I have been constantly contacted by some financial adviser-type. Clearly they haven't worked out yet that not all lawyers are made of money.
"Don't sign anything! Don't buy anything!"
M. hollered down the phone. He is really, really worried that I might sign my life away. This is despite the fact that I am the sort of person who reads every small print I see. This leads me to believe that he doesn't really trust me at all regarding my finances. He says I'm not very disciplined with my money. OK, I admit I'm not.
"I'm going to put you on a financial diet," M. says. "Think of it as a facility agreement. We're going to put your money in different baskets according to your needs."
Oh dear. Do I have to starve?
"You must be ready to kick him out. Just shoo him out. Tell him 'see ya, wouldn't want to be ya'," M. says. He is not happy I even agreed to meet this guy. He thinks it's a waste of time. I am not very good at saying 'no' to people - this guy phoned me up out of the blue yesterday and in my usual frenzy of work I said 'yes' (doh! should only say that to clients!).
"I never meet these people," says M.
Yes, dear. (Lots of grumbling). But I will kick him out.

10:02 PM |